Specialist marketing services supported by thorough, wide-ranging research.

Our in-depth understanding of science and industry means that we know what questions to research in order to market your products more successfully. With expertise in accessing worldwide information networks, plus personal contacts in key positions within the media and service industries – we also know where to find the right answers!

We provide expert guidance on issues such as how to enhance your company profile within your target market, the best industry exhibitions to attend, and which publications would provide the most cost-effective vehicle for your new advertising campaign.

  • Characterising and reaching specific market segments.
  • Generating wider interest and additional leads.
  • Studying markets to determine optimum positioning for new technologies.
  • Formulating direct mail strategies and analysing campaign results to further refine targeting.

We have many years of event organisation, from product launches to press conferences, so that clients are free to focus on their business while we take the stress away !